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: 관리자 : Mon, 27 May 2024, 12:00 AM

[Pulse] SK innovation unveils Smart Plant 2.0 with robot, AI technology
[Courtesy of SK innovation]
[Courtesy of SK innovation]

SK innovation Co. has unveiled the latest version of its Smart Plant solutions applying artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation (DT) technologies, years after it implemented the smart solutions at its production sites in 2016 for the first time in the domestic petroleum and chemical industries.

The Smart Plant 2.0, implemented at its facilities in Ulsan on the east coast of South Korea, features self-developed solutions tailored to actual process operations based on refined and standardized data and unified platforms.

Currently, around 40 Smart Plant 2.0 projects are underway at the Ulsan Complex. These projects focus on process operation, equipment management, and safety, health, and environment, aiming for energy savings, productivity improvement, and enhanced safety.

SK innovation estimates that adopting Smart Plant 2.0 will yield cost improvements exceeding 10 billion won ($7.3 million) annually. Given the nature of the refining and petrochemical industries, which rely on large-scale automated facilities, the benefits of predicting equipment failures and early responses are expected to surpass those in other sectors.

Key projects include implementing a process automation program, advanced process control (APC), equipment failure prediction solutions, and an integrated safety monitoring system.

The process automation program has enhanced efficiency in stopping and restarting the plant for large-scale equipment maintenance. Previously, operators manually adjusted flow rates, pressure, and temperature; now, this process is automated.

APC is a critical solution for maximizing product yield. AI optimizes the patterns for adjusting crude oil heating temperatures to meet yield targets for products like gasoline and diesel. AI is also used in the sampling stage to check product quality.

Drones are employed in equipment management to inspect high-risk areas, such as flare stacks, and convert aerial photographs into navigational maps to visualize both underground pipelines and above-ground facilities.

Compressors, key equipment, are fitted with sensors that diagnose issues and send alerts via email. Augmented reality scaffolding simulations and virtual internal structure analysis are also utilized in equipment management.

Developing these core Smart Plant 2.0 solutions in-house provides a competitive advantage, as they can be optimized to meet field requirements.

SK innovation is also focusing on training specialized personnel to prevent accidents during generational transitions.

“A study in Japan showed that accidents in the chemical plant industry doubled after the baby boom generation retired,” the company said. “To prevent this, we are working on a smooth transition through data and digitalization.”

SK innovation plans to expand its Smart Plant initiatives.

The development of an engineer technical chatbot based on large language model (LLM) technology is underway, along with discussions on potential business models to capitalize on the knowledge assets of Smart Plant 2.0 solutions.

By By Jung Sang-bong and Chang Iou-chung
[ⓒ Pulse by Maeil Business News Korea & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved] 

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